Purchasing a second hand car can be a smart investment with COE prices in Singapore remaining at a high. This is because first-time and second-time car buyers now have more options, ranging from basic to luxury models, all at much affordable prices. Cars depreciate quickly, so car owners with high-quality, well-performing vehicles often sell them for a lower price in order to purchase something newer in the market. This means that a near-new car can be made available and bought for a much lower price, which makes second hand cars an affordable and appealing option to many. But ever wondered if there are things you should take note of when searching for one?
Think One is a leading supplier of commercial vehicles, and this article shares how you can avoid some of the most common mistakes when shopping for a second hand car.
Buying based on looks
The aesthetics of a car is a huge consideration for many buyers, but that shouldn’t be your sole basis for purchasing a second-hand vehicle. There’s more to what meets the eye when shopping for used cars for sale, and you’ll be leaving a lot of viable options on the table if you stick with only what looks best. Hence, it is crucial to also take into consideration your purpose and requirements, then choose the car that fits all of them.
Not bringing a mechanic
While it might be common practice to test drive cars before purchasing, few have used cars checked out by mechanics before finalising the deal. Even if you have to pay for the inspection yourself, it could save a lot of money in the long run. This is because a trained mechanic would be able to spot important details that you wouldn’t have given a second look at if you went alone. A trusted mechanic can also provide information on what overall shape the second hand car is in and whether it would be a good purchase.
Not setting a budget
Second hand cars are almost always cheaper than brand new ones, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t set a sensible budget. Do your research and set a limit on how much you’re willing to spend for a particular model. That will support you in finding a deal that fits both your needs and finances.
Not checking the vehicle history report
In addition to having the car inspected by a mechanic, it’s important to also run a vehicle history report before purchasing a second hand car. A vehicle history report makes checking for prior accidents, problems with the car, and the number of previous owners possible. To avoid incurring future repair costs, avoid second hand cars with a poor maintenance history and those that have had multiple previous owners.
Learn more: 4 Misconceptions Of Buying A Second Hand Car | Think One
We hope this article has provided valuable insights on what to bear in mind considering a used car for sale. When it comes to buying a second hand car, always exercise due diligence by doing your research and asking questions about the car you have in mind to evade costly mistakes.
Ready to start shopping? Think One carries an extensive range of both second hand cars and new cars for sale – reach out to our team to find the one that’s best suited for your needs today!