Even though cars have become an indispensable feature for many, few have adequate knowledge of what to look out for when purchasing one. A new car is a big investment. Hence, it is crucial for research to be done to make informed decisions that ensure you are getting the best value for your money. Wondering where to start? Think One is a leading provider of commercial vehicle rental in Singapore, and we’ve put together a […]
Category Archives: Vehicle rental
If you are just starting out as a new bus driver, there are a few things you must know to ensure a smooth journey when on the roads. Fortunately, many bad situations can be averted with just a little quick thinking and knowledge. Think One is a leading provider of commercial vehicle rental in Singapore, and to help you get started, we’ve identified some common mistakes that new bus drivers often make. Read on to […]
Buying a car can be a daunting experience if you’re unsure of what to look out for. Hence, engaging a good and reliable automobile dealership is crucial to ensure high-quality products and services are consistently delivered to its customers. But with so many automobile companies in the industry, it can be difficult to choose one that is right for your needs. Think One is an automobile dealership specialising in commercial vehicles and more, and we’ve […]
Moving house is an experience that many of us in Singapore are not new to. Regardless of where the new location is, getting all the belongings from your old home into your new one can sometimes be a difficult endeavour without a proper vehicle. That is in addition to the endless list of things to take note of when it comes to house moving such as furniture measurements, and ensuring that the old house has […]
Purchasing a second hand car can be a smart investment with COE prices in Singapore remaining at a high. This is because first-time and second-time car buyers now have more options, ranging from basic to luxury models, all at much affordable prices. Cars depreciate quickly, so car owners with high-quality, well-performing vehicles often sell them for a lower price in order to purchase something newer in the market. This means that a near-new car can […]
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